Why Church?
Are you looking for a church home?
Do you feel something is missing in your life but you’re not sure what?
Are you looking for a place to connect with God, others, and your community in ways that transform you in God’s love?
If you are looking for something deeper, more meaningful in life…try the Christian community. Whether you try Saint Stephen Lutheran Church or another faith community, God’s never failing love calls us to practice our faith together and draws us into community because we are better together than apart!
> "I know about those “Christians” –they aren’t nice. I’ve been burned at church before".
Yes, it’s true. The church is made up of imperfect people. People who hurt each other. People who exclude rather than include. People who say and do insensitive things. And even sometimes WE are those people! We are called to forgive one another as God has forgiven us (see Colossians 3:12-17). When we are open to God in each other, and when we are at our best people from all walks of life are welcomed, included, and practice grace and forgiveness with each other so we can apply those same gifts in our lives elsewhere.
> "Will I fit in?"
The church is the in-group for the out-group. Jesus came so that ALL would be made free in God’s grace. And God’s church is a place for all regardless of gender, race, socio-economic status, sexual orientation, ability, or whether you cheer for the Bears or the Packers! As Christians we are one body with many members (see 1 Corinthians 12:12) and we strive to live out the call to hospitality that all are welcome.
> "Can’t I just worship God in nature?"
Yes, God created a stunning, beautiful world and we are constantly in awe of what God has done. However, Jesus gathered his disciples from the earliest of times to teach them, feed their spirits, offer them grace, and give them a mission in the world (see Acts 2:42-47). This is not something we can do for ourselves. When we gather together as a community for worship we are connected to a reality that is larger than our individual selves. Alone we are limited, together we are connected to not only one another but the whole communion of saints before that teach us new ways of being, we receive the holy meal and remember our baptismal identities, and we are transformed by God’s Spirit into the people we are called to be.
> "I know it’s not just worship. How can I serve?"
God calls us together into Christian community to strengthen us, to assure us that our failings are not the final answer, and then to send us out again into God’s world to share that same love and mercy with those in wider community. We strive to serve God in a variety of ways at St. Stephen whether it is helping our own members in crisis with meals or prayer, by packing meals at Open Arms Mission or Feed My Starving Children or raising money for Lutheran World Relief, or caring for God’s creation by attending to the native plants in our church garden. There are a variety of ways to serve…both at church and beyond. And we’re open to new ideas as we grow in our faith. Your presence and gifts will help us grow!